Analysis Packages
All SO₂ tests are by aspiration+titration. All prices are ex VAT.
Basic Juice Panel
Brix/SG, pH, TA - 30mL
Package price - £17.00 (saving of £7.50)
Enhanced Juice Panel
Brix/SG, pH, TA, YAN - 30mL
Package price - £36.00 (saving of £15.00)
Harvest Panel
Brix/SG, pH, TA, YAN, Malic Acid - 30mL
Package price - £55.00 (saving of £12.50)
Fermentation Monitoring Panel
RS, VA, Alcohol - 250mL
Package price - £45.00 (saving of £19.50)
Post-Ferment Panel
RS, VA, Alcohol, pH, TA, Free SO₂ and Total SO₂ - 300mL
Package price - £88.00 (saving of £27.50)
Wine Health Panel
VA, pH, TA, Free SO₂ and Total SO₂ - 150mL
Package price - £55.00 (saving of £17.50)
Pre-Bottling Panel
RS, VA, Alcohol, pH, TA, Free SO₂, Total SO₂, Cold Stability, Heat Stability, Malic Acid - 750mL
Package price - £100.00 (saving of £65.00)
Post-Bottling Panel (Still Wines)
RS, VA, Alcohol, pH, TA, Free SO₂, Total SO₂, Cold Stability - sealed 750mL bottle
Package price - £90.00 (saving of £42.00)
Pre-Disgorging Panel
RS, VA, Alcohol, pH, TA, Free SO₂, Total SO₂, Pressure, Cold Stability - sealed 750mL bottle
Package price - £95.00 (saving of £43.50)
Post-Disgorging Panel
RS, VA, Alcohol, pH, TA, Free SO₂, Total SO₂, Pressure, Cold Stability - sealed 750mL bottle
Package price - £95.00 (saving of £43.50)
Individual Analysis
Discounts may be applied to multiple samples, please ask for details. All prices are ex VAT.
Acid tests
Malic Acid
Malic acid is one of the major organic acids found naturally in grapes and it contributes to the sharp green flavours in wine. Therefore, the measurement of malic acid is useful for acid adjustments prior to primary fermentation, and monitoring malolactic fermentation during which malic acid is converted by bacteria into lactic acid.
Method - Enzymatic analysis
Sample - 30mL
Price ex VAT - £16.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Method - Paper chromatography
Sample - 30mL
Price ex VAT - £6.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Titratable Acidity
The titratable acidity (TA) measures the total available hydrogen ions present in a sample of juice or wine, and used by winemakers as a guide to the acid taste of the wine. The results are reported as tartaric acid, the predominant acid in grapes.
Method - Colormetric/pH titration
Sample - 30mL
Price ex VAT - £11.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Volatile Acidity
Volatile acidity (VA) refers to the acids present in wine that can be detected organoleptically. The main acid is acetic acid, and is typically produced after fermentation and by spoilage yeast and bacteria. Therefore, it is useful to measure the concentration of acetic acid alone for quality control. High concentrations of acetic acid indicates spoilage and can cause undesirable sensory effects similar to vinegar.
Method - Enzymatic Analysis
Sample - 30mL
Price ex VAT - £21.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
pH is the quantification of a solution’s acidity by measuring the concentration of dissociated hydrogen ions in a solution. pH can affect microbial activity, tartrate solubility, the interaction of phenolic compounds, and the determination of molecular SO₂.
Method - Potentiometric (electrode)
Sample - 50mL
Price ex VAT - £6.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Alcohol Tests
Alcohol by volume is a worldwide standard measure of how much alcohol (ethanol) is in a certain volume of wine. The alcohol is the main product of fermentation and the measure of the 'alcoholic strength' of wine is needed for legal requirements and labelling purposes.
Method - Inland Revenue condenser distillation + densitometry
Sample - 250mL
Price ex VAT - £26.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Sugar Tests
Brix is the measurement of the apparent concentration of sugar in solution, e.g., grape juice.
Method -Refractometry
Sample - 30mL
Price ex VAT - £6.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Residual Sugar
Glucose and Fructose are the main form of sugar found in grapes. The measurement of both glucose and fructose combined is used to determine the amount of sugar remaining in the wine near or at the end of fermentation, to evaluate dryness.
Method -Enzymatic analysis
Sample - 30mL
Price ex VAT - £16.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Glucose + Fructose
Glucose and Fructose are the two primary sugars found in grapes that are consumed by yeast. This test gives you the individual measurement of both glucose and fructose in grape juice or wine.
Method -Enzymatic analysis
Sample - 30mL
Price ex VAT - £18.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Specific Gravity
Specific gravity measures the density of a sample relative to the density of pure water.
Method - Density meter
Sample - 50mL
Price ex VAT - £6.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Clinitest is used to determine the residual sugar levels in wine.
Method - Clinites tablet
Sample - 30mL
Price ex VAT - £6.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Sulphur Dioxide Tests
Free SO₂
Sulfur dioxide is a chemical compound used throughout all stages of the winemaking process to prevent oxidation and microbial growth. The measurement of free sulfur dioxide is used to determine the amount of SO2 that is not bound to other molecules and therefore is still available to continue acting as oxidant/preservative.
Method - Aspiration + titration
Sample - 50mL
Price ex VAT - £16.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Total SO₂
Total sulfur dioxide (SO₂) is a measure of both the free and bound forms of SO₂ present in juice or wine. The bound form occurs when the SO₂ molecules binds to other compounds such as aldehydes and sugars.
Method - Aspiration + titration
Sample - 50mL
Price ex VAT - £16.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Stability Trials Tests
Bentonite/Fining Trial
The bentonite fining trials are use to determine the optimum bentonite addition for a wine, removing the risk of haze formation while minimising flavour loss. Several addition rates are made, then the heat stability of treated samples is checked to identify the lowest addition rate that resulted in acceptable stability.
Method - Heat water bath + turbidimeter
Sample - 500mL
Price ex VAT - £60.50 (includes control and 4 rates, additional £10.00 per extra rate)
Turnaround Time - 2 -3 working days, depending on type of bentonite.
Protein/Heat Stability
The presence of unstable proteins in a wine can lead to the development of a haze or deposit. If this occurs after bottling, the wine is unacceptable to the consumer. Therefore, a heat stability test is used to measure the potential for proteins in wine to for a deposit at higher temperatures.
Method - Heat water bath + turbidimeter
Sample - 200mL
Price ex VAT - £16.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Cold Stability
After fermentation, wine becomes saturated with KHT (Potassium Hydrogen Tartrate). If an unstable wine is bottled and then chilled, crystals can form in the bottle. Although not harmful, the presence of crystals in a bottle of wine can be unacceptable to the consumer. Therefore, the cold stability test gives an indication of the likelihood that precipitation of KHT will occur after bottling.
Method - Cold water bath + visual
Sample - 200mL
Price ex VAT - £16.50
Turnaround Time - 3 working days from date of receipt
Nutrition Tests
YAN (Yeast Available Nitrogen)
Nitrogen is a critical grape nutrient for yeast growth and essential for effective fermentation management. Improper nitrogen levels can slow or stop fermentation, compromising the quality and organoleptic characteristics of the final product. The measurement of Yeast Assimilable Nitrogen (YAN) provides information of the total nitrogen in grape or juice.
Method - Enzymatic analysis
Sample - 30mL
Price ex VAT - £26.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Gas Tests
Dissolved CO₂
Dissolved carbon dioxide (CO₂) measures the amount of carbon dioxide gas dissolved in the wine.
Method - Carbodoseur
Sample - 200mL in bottle
Price ex VAT - £11.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Dissolved O₂
Dissolved oxygen (O₂) measures the amount of oxygen gas dissolved in the wine.
Method - DO meter
Sample - Sealed bottle
Price ex VAT - £11.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Filtration Aid Tests
(NTU) Turbidity
Turbidity measures of the clarity, or cloudiness, of a sample which is determined by the presence of suspended solids.
Method - Turbidimeter
Sample - 30mL
Price ex VAT - £16.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Pressure Tests
Measurement of carbon dioxide (CO₂) pressure in-bottle.
Method - Aphrometer
Sample - Sealed bottle
Price ex VAT - £6.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Microscopic tests
Microscopic Examination
A microscopic examination helps determine the presence of obvious unwanted microorganisms and foreign bodies.
Method - Microscope
Sample - 100mL
Price ex VAT - £26.50
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Yeast Concentration & Viability
Using the Oculyze microscope analyser, it determines the yeast viability together with yeast concentration in grape juice, wine, throughout the fermentation process or yeast culture. Results are reported as millions of cells/mL and as percent viable cells.
Method - Oculyze Microscope
Sample - 5mL
Price ex VAT - £30.00
Turnaround Time - 1 working day from date of receipt
Sensory Trials
Dosage Trial
Dosage is the final touch added to the wine before corking. Therefore, it is essential to run a bench trial (Dosage Trial) to determine the level of dosage required to add to a sparkling wine in order to create balance.
Method - Bench Trial
Sample - 6 x 750mL
Price ex VAT - £60.50 (includes control and 4 rates, additional £10.00 per extra rate)
Turnaround Time - 3 to 4 working days for riddled samples; 10-14 days for unriddled samples.
When will my results be ready?
Some analysis can be reported back to you on the same day or following working day. Please check the target turn-around time for each test on Analysis Page for more information.
Note: all turn-around times refer to working days.
How should I label my sample?
Each sample should be clearly labelled with Client Info, Sample ID and required analysis. You can also print our own labels here
What size sample do I need to send?
You can find sample requirements for each test on the Analysis Page.
How long will you keep my sample?
Grape/juice samples are disposed immediately after results are issued. Wine samples are kept for a period of 48 hours after results are reported back to you.
Where should I ship my sample to?
Samples should be sent to: Custom Crush Lab, Wield Yard, Lower Wield, Alresford, SO24 9RX
How should I collect and ship my sample?
It’s important to take a sample that is representative of the wine that you are sending for testing, for accurate results. Therefore, we recommend sending the sample sealed in full plastic or glass containers, with no headspace, from a well-mixed tank and pre-flushing the valves before collecting the sample.
Fermenting samples can give inaccurate or misleading results, therefore for harvest samples, we recommend sending either 10 bunches of grapes from different vines across the vineyard OR 300 berries from 30 different vines (10 berries per vine). Samples should be sent in sealed plastic bags clearly identified.
Samples should be sent without delay and as quickly as possible to our Lab.
Get in touch.
Feel free to get in touch with us at Custom Crush to help with harvest decisions, fermentation monitoring, wine management or wine analysis.